Configuration Manager Client Self-Heal Using PowerShell and Intune Proactive Remediations

For starters, I must say that I am no SCCM expert. Shout out to Michael Harding who made this possible with his in-depth SCCM knowledge. 

Co-managing Windows Devices made it possible to concurrently manage devices using the good old Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune. Basically getting the best of both worlds as you transition to modern management.

This opens the door to leveraging Intune Proactive Remediations. which enables detection and remediation scripts to find and fix the problem before it is realised and before it becomes a ticket in the Desktop Support queue. 

The Problem

Randomly some devices would report to SCCM (Endpoint Configuration Manager) as “Healthy” but in reality they are not, and unless you have a third party software that can reach out to the endpoint and remediate it, the only other solution would require a manual intervention which in many occasions is too little too late (from InfoSec view) and impacts the user’s productivity. 

To tackle this, we have grouped the most commonly issues we have seen and wrote a tailored script to detect and remediate them! 

The Detection Script

The script can be found on GitHub

The script checks for the following abnormalities on the endpoint:

  • Whether WMI is broken 
  • Whether the client policy download date is within the last 24 hours (configurable with variable) 
  • Whether CCMExec Service is down.
  • Whether the Management Point entry in WMI is empty.

If CCMSetup is running, the script will exit gracefully for this detection intervel 

We also check for the existence of CcmExec.exe, if it doesn’t exist, we skip checks as they are not applicable. If it does exist, we go on a series of try/catch and if-else statements to check the health of each component from the above list. 

Depending on each check, we build up our “Output” message which eventually will show up in Intune Console. Intune Report will only show the last output that a script is writing out (e.g. Write-host or Write-output) so in order for us to summarise all checks statuses, we build an “Aggregated Message” variable as we go.

Combining the Checks!

Since we are dealing here with 4 different checks, and since there are dependencies between those components; We didn’t want to create 4 separate detection and remediation scripts. Instead, we combined them in a single detection and a single remediation scripts. 

The challenge was in controlling “exit” points and how to let the remediation script know what to remediate! In a simple one-to-one detection and remediation scripts, it’s usually easy to trigger remediation when a single condition is met during detection. However, in this scenario, a detection script might trigger remediation for one or more of the checks being scanned by the detection script. 

This was dealt with by using a mixture of:-

  • Boolean variables (flags) to signal which detection has failed.
  • Registry values created on the fly which then used by the remediation logic to trigger the correct healing functions. 

When detection finds an issue, it will exit with code 1 and set a reg value in the Registry. This Reg Value is then checked by the remediation script to know what needs fixing. Value of 1 means remediation is needed. 


Another challenge was to write PoSH/WMI commands that are Constrained Language Mode friendly. In many enterprise environments PoSH is either constrained or restricted on endpoints using the undocumented environment variable __PSLockDownPolicy. So we had to avoid using any commands that would fail unless executed in Full Language Mode.

The Remediation Script

The script can be found on GitHub

When remediations are triggered, they checks the registry for values under key HKLM\SOFTWARE\IntuneRemediations and triggers remediation functions accordingly.

Function Reset-WMI

  • Stops winmgmt service
  • Triggers a WMI reset
  • Restarts CcmExec service
  • Waits for CcmSetup to get triggered (10 minutes wait – configurable) 
  • Checks the event logs for event 1035 signalling a successful reconfiguration. 

Function Restore-CCMService

  • Start CcmExec service
  • Wait for 3 minutes 
  • Trigger machine policy download

Function Update-CCMMachinePolicy

  • Kills ccmexec and start it again 
  • Wait for 3 minutes
  • Check if the machine policy download date is recent
  • Go a loop for 25 minutes (configurable) or until the above date is refreshed. Within the loop trigger a check every 5 minutes.
  • Trigger Data Discovery Collection Cycle, Hardware Inventory Cycle and Software Update Scan Cycle

Function Update-CCMManagmentPoint

  • Query WMI for CurrentManagementPoint value
  • if empty, restart ccmexec service.


Also, to have a better insight on what those remediation runs, transcript logging was added for both detection and remediation scripts. They are saved %windir%\logs. These logs are in addition to the native Intune exit code messages that can be seen in Intune (Endpoint Manager) portal. 


When a device is found with issues, the script would tell you exactly which checks were detected:


Similarly, post-remediation detection output will have status message detailing the state of each checked service/issue



Configuration Manager Client Self-Heal Using PowerShell and Intune Proactive Remediations
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7 thoughts on “Configuration Manager Client Self-Heal Using PowerShell and Intune Proactive Remediations

  • October 2, 2023 at 4:59 pm

    Hello Amir.
    I’m new to Intune and remediation, but can you confirm that I would need to create a Remediation in Intune for Client Health and also a Remediation in Intune for the the remediation?
    By targeting devices with BOTH it would then detect any issues and fix?

    Many thanks,

    • October 2, 2023 at 5:53 pm

      Hi Mike, When you create a new remediation action in Intune, it will allow you to upload 2 scripts, one for detection and one for remediation. You don’t need to create 2 new remediation actions. Hope this helps

  • March 6, 2024 at 9:12 am


    Once remediation script successfully remediate the issue does registry values will be removed ? why because if we keep deployed with scheduled those devices which were already remediated earlier again will trigger because in registry still value as 1.

    Is my understand is correct ?

    • March 6, 2024 at 9:20 am

      Hi Kiran,
      The detection script overwrites the reg key and clear its contents every time it gets triggered
      See line 51 in the detection script

      • March 6, 2024 at 9:32 am

        Hi Amir,

        Thanks for response. Yes, its overwriting. Once again thank you very much for very good script.

  • March 6, 2024 at 1:53 pm

    Hi Amir,

    Getting below error message in Intune portal dashboard.

    New-Item : Access to the registry key ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IntuneRemediations’ is denied. At C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\HealthScripts\b770a5f5-caaf-4780-9a80-f2ac864d2bbd_1\detect.ps1:52 char:1 + New-Item -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\” -Name “IntuneRemediations” -Force -V … +

    • March 6, 2024 at 3:51 pm

      Have you configured the remediation script to run as System? the script should run as System for it to have permissions to do what it needs to do.

      Run this script using the logged-on credentials: NO


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